Crusader Miniatures - Site Map
- Ancients - Carthaginians
- Modelling Accessories - Shield Transfers and Flags
- Ancients - Romans
- Modelling Accessories - Seperate Shields
- Ancients - Spanish
- Crusader Collections - Fantasy
- Crusader Collections - Pirates
- Crusader Collections - Wild West
- Dark Ages - Byzantine
- Dark Ages - El Cid
- Dark Ages - Irish
- Dark Ages - Normans
- Ancients - Ancient Macedonia
- Dark Ages - Saxons
- Dark Ages - Vikings
- Medieval, Crusades, Feudal. - Hundred Years War
- Medieval, Crusades, Feudal. - Wars of the Roses
- Seven Years War - Austrians
- Seven Years War - Prussians
- Ancients - Numidians
- World War II - British
- World War II - French
- World War II - German
- World War II - Russians
- World War II - United States
- Ancients - Gladiators
- Modelling Accessories - Spears
- Ancients - Ancient Oscans
- Medieval, Crusades, Feudal. - Later Crusaders
- Ancients - Roman Empire
- Dark Ages - Sub Roman
- Seven Years War - British
- Seven Years War - SYW Russian
- Dark Ages - Unit Deals
- Ancients - Persians
- Ancients - Ancient Greeks
- Modelling Accessories - Plastic Accessories
- Rule Books - Horse and Musket
- American Civil War - Unit Deals
- Napoleonics - French
- Seven Years War - SYW French
- Ancients - Thracians
- Rule Books - Ancients
- American Civil War - American Civil War
- Rule Books - WW2
- World War II - Rate of Fire Box Sets
- Seven Years War - Unit Deals
- Ancients - Unit Deals
- Napoleonics - Unit Deals
- Ancients - Ancient Germans
- Dark Ages - Scots
- Dark Ages -
- Ancients -
- Medieval, Crusades, Feudal. - Teutonic Knights
- Seven Years War - Woodland Indians
- Ancients - Ancient Celts
- -
- World War II - Partisans
- Medieval, Crusades, Feudal. - Unit Deals
- Dark Ages - Early Franks & Saxons
- World War II - Poland
- World War II - Unit Deals
- American Civil War - Flags
- World War II - Romanians
- Crusader Collections - Norse Mercenaries
- Post Apocalypse -
- Boxer Rebellion - Boxers
- Fantasy Adventures - Fantasy Adventurers
- Fantasy Adventures - Dwarfs
- Fantasy Adventures - Ogres
- Fantasy Adventures - Half Orc Marauders
- Fantasy Adventures - Fantasy
- Fantasy Adventures - Brood Slaves
- Fantasy Adventures - Goblins
- Boxer Rebellion - Japan
- Boxer Rebellion - Russians
Information Pages
Our Full Product Range
- Citizen Spearmen in Cuirass
- Unarmoured Citizen Spearmen
- Libyan Spearmen
- Libyan Skirmishers
- Veteran Spearmen
- Infantry Command
- Carthaginian Cavalry with Spears
- Carthaginian Cavalry Command
- Libyan Spearmen in Mail
- Veteran Spearmen Command
- Hannibal Foot and Mounted
- Republican Roman Shield Transfers
- Elephant & 3 crew
- Republican Roman Hastati/Principes with Pilum
- Republican Roman Hastati/Principes with Sword
- Republican Roman Triarii in Mail with Spear
- Republican Roman Legionary Command
- Roman Velites with spear/javelin & shield
- Roman Leves with Javelins
- Roman Penal Legionaries with Spears
- Principes/Triari with Pila/Spear
- Republican Roman Light Infantry Command
- Unarmoured Roman Cavalry
- Unarmoured Roman Cavalry Command
- Republican Roman Cavalry in Mail
- Republican Roman Cavalry in Mail - Command
- Republican Roman General (Foot & Mounted Versions)
- Republican Roma Marching Camp
- Approximately 40 Roman Scutum Shields.
- Spanish Scutari with spear - standing
- Spanish Scutari with spear - charging
- Spanish Scutari with sword - standing
- Spanish Scutari with sword - Charging
- Spanish Scutari Command - standing
- Spanish Scutari Command - charging
- Spanish Caetrati with spear
- Spanish Caetrati with sword
- Spanish Caetrati command
- Spanish Slingers
- Spanish Light Cavalry
- Spanish Heavy cavalry
- Spanish cavalry Command
- Spanish General (foot & mounted version)
- Approximately 40 Spanish Scutum Shields (40)
- Approximately 40 Spanish Caetra Shields (40)
- Sea Dogs - Yul Brinner, El Chameau, Seaman Staines
- Wild Rovers - Pretty Boy Dave, Cannonball Ron, Pug
- Pirates - Buccaneers
- Pirates - Sea Scum
- Foreigners - Alphonse, Mad Jock, Baron Otto
- The Joe Gang - Big Joe, Little Joe, Ugly Kid Joe
- Wild West - Outlaws
- Retired Marshall (Foot and Mounted)
- Byzantine Psiloi with Javelins & Buckler
- Byzantine Psiloi with Staff Slings
- Byzantine Psiloi Bowmen
- Byzantine Psiloi with Crossbows
- Byzantine Psiloi Command
- Varangian Guard with Spears
- Varangian Guard in Parade Dress
- Varangian Axemen in full Armour
- Varangian Command in full armour
- Byzantine Peltasts in Quilted Armour
- Byzantine Unarmoured Spearmen
- Byzantine Armoured Archers
- Byzantine Heavy Skutatoi Advancing
- Byzantine Skutatoi advancing - Lammelar Armour
- Skutatoi Command
- Byzantine Heavy Skutatoi Standing
- Byzantine Skutatoi standing - Lammelar Armour
- Byzantine Emperor and Retinue
- Thematic Kataphraktoi with Kontos
- Thematic/ Tagmatic Kataphraktoi with Bows
- Klibanophoroi with Mace
- Klibanophoroi with Kontos
- Tagmatic Kataphraktoi with Kontos/Spears
- Klibanophoroi Command
- Byzantine Light Cavalry with Spears
- Thematic/Tagmatic Kataphraktoi Command
- Spanish Spearmen in Mail
- Unarmoured Spanish Spearmen
- Unarmoured Spanish Archers
- Spanish Javelinmen
- Spanish Infantry Command
- Spanish Knights in Mail with Spears
- Spanish Light Cavalry with Spears/Javelins
- Spanish Light Cavalry Command
- Spanish Characters and Casualties
- Personalities El Cid and Alvar Minaya
- Personalities Pedro Bermudez and King Alfonso
- Spanish Slingers
- Spanish Knights in Mail Command
- Unarmoured Spanish Crossbowmen
- Spanish Knights with javelins & Spears
- Spanish Round Shields (approx 40 per pack)
- Irish Warriors with spear & buckler I
- Irish Warriors with Javelins & Buckler
- Irish Warriors with short sword & buckler
- Irish Warriors with slings
- Irish Warrior Command
- Irish Noble Warriors with sword & shield
- Irish Noble Warriors with 2 handed axes
- Mounted Nobles
- Mounted Nobles Command
- Irish Chieftains & Champions
- Brian Boru - foot & mounted version
- Packmasters & Hounds (2 men, 8 hounds)
- Skirmishing Women & Children
- Norman Spearmen in Chainmail I
- Norman Spearmen in Chainmail II
- Norman Spearmen in Quilted Armour
- Unarmoured Norman Spearmen
- Norman Crossbowmen in Chainmail
- Unarmoured Norman Bowmen
- Dismounted Norman Knights with Axes
- Norman Infantry Command
- Unarmoured Norman Infantry Command
- Dismounted Norman Knights with Swords
- Norman Characters & Casualties
- Armoured Norman Bowmen
- Norman Knights in Chainmail with Spears I
- Norman Knights in Chainmail with Spears II
- Norman Knights in Scale with Spears
- Unarmoured Norman Cavalry with Spears
- Norman Knights in Chainmail with Swords
- Norman Cavalry Command in Chainmail
- Norman Cavalry Characters
- Unarmoured Norman Cavalry Command
- Personalities Duke William & Bishop Odo
- Norman Kite Shields (approx 40)
- Phalangite Command
- Saxon Bowmen
- Saxon Fyrd with Slings
- Saxon Fyrd with Spears/Javelins
- Saxon Fyrd Command
- Saxon Huscarls with Axes
- Saxon Huscarls with Spears
- Saxon Thegns with Spears
- Saxon Huscarl/Thegn Command
- Saxon Warriors with Spears Upright
- Saxon Personalities Harold & Tostig Godwinson
- Bareheaded Saxon Warriors with Spears
- Mounted Thegns
- Mounted Thegns Command
- Saxon Round Shields (approx 40)
- Bondi with swords & axes
- Bondi with Bows
- Bondi with Spears
- Bondi Command
- Thralls with Spears/Javelins
- Hirdmen with Swords/Axes
- Hirdmen with 2 handed axes
- Hirdmen Command
- Berserkers
- Ulfhednar
- Hersir
- Halberdiers
- Longbowmen
- Crossbowmen
- Handgunners
- Dismounted Knights with Swords
- Infantry Command
- Spearmen with Pavise
- Bombard and Crew (1 bombard, 3 crew)
- Irish Skirmishers
- Mounted Hobilars
- Mounted Crossbowmen
- Knights Command
- Kings & Princes
- Knights with Lances
- Unarmoured Pikemen
- Armoured Pikemen
- Pikemen in Full Plate
- Armoured Longbowmen
- Longbowmen
- Handgunners
- Crossbowmen
- Mounted Men-at-Arms Command
- Mounted Men-at-Arms with Lances upright
- Austrian Fusiliers
- Austrian Grenadiers
- Austrian Fusilier Command
- Austrian Grenadier Command
- Austrian Fusilier Standard Bearer pack
- Hungarian Fusiliers
- Hungarian Grenadiers
- Hungarian Fusilier Command
- Hungarian Grenadier Command
- Austrian Grenz Advancing
- Austrian Grenz Skirmishing
- Austrian Grenz Characters and Casualties
- Austrian Grenz Command
- Austrian 3pdr Cannon & 4 Crew
- Austrian Artillery Crew
- Austrian Dragoons
- Austrian Dragoons Grenadier Company
- Austrian Dragoon Command
- Austrian Cuirassiers
- Austrian Cuirassier Command
- Austrian Hussars Charging
- Austrian Hussar Command
- Austrian Generals (2 foot, 2 mounted)
- Prussian Musketeers (Lapels & Prussian Cuffs)
- Prussian Musketeers Lapels & Prussian Cuffs Command
- Prussian Musketeer Standard Bearer pack
- Prussian Grenadiers (lapels & Prussian Cuffs)
- Prussian Grenadiers Lapels & Prussian Cuffs Command
- Prussian Fusiliers (Lapels & Swedish Cuffs)
- Prussian Fusiliers Lapels & Swedish Cuffs Command
- Hussars in Mirlton
- Hussars in Mirlton Command
- Hussars in Busby.
- Hussar in Busby Command.
- Bosniak Lancers - Late uniform
- Bosniak Lancers Command - Late Uniform
- Prussian Dragoons
- Prussian Dragoon Command
- Prussian Cuirassier
- Prussian Cuirassier Command
- El Cid Banners
- Numidian Cavalry
- British Riflemen I
- British Riflemen II
- British Bren Gun Teams
- British Infantry with Thompson SMGs
- British Infantry Command
- British Riflemen kneeling
- British Command and Bren Teams kneeling
- British 3inch Mortar and crew
- British 2pdr AT gun and crew (1AT Gun, 4 crew)
- British Vickers MG's (1 Vickers, 3 crew)
- British 2inch Mortar Teams
- British BOYS ATR Teams (4)
- Late British Riflemen I
- Late British Riflemen II
- Late War British Bren Gun Teams
- Late British Infantry with Sten SMG
- Late British Infantry Command
- Late British Riflemen kneeling
- Late British Command & Bren Teams kneeling
- Late British 3inch Mortar and crew
- Late British Vickers MG and crew (1 MG, 3 crew)
- Late British 2inch Mortar Teams
- Late British PIAT Teams
- No Longer Available
- British Para Rifles I
- British Para Rifles II
- British Para Bren Teams
- British Para with Sten Gun
- British Para Command
- British paratrooper Vickers MMG & 3 crew
- British Paratrooper 3inch Mortar
- British paratrooper 6 Pdr AT Gun & 3 crew
- French Riflemen I
- French Riflemen II
- French LMG Teams
- French Infantry with Carbines
- French Infantry Command
- French Hotchkiss HMG (1 HMG. 3 crew)
- French 81mm Mortar (1 Mortar, 3 crew)
- French 60mm Mortar & crew (1 mortar, 3 crew)
- French Rifle Grenadiers.
- Group Franc
- French 25mm AT Gun & 3 Crew
- French Cavalry
- German Riflemen I
- German Riflemen II
- German LMG Teams
- German Infantry with SMG
- German Infantry Command
- German Riflemen Kneeling
- German MG34 Team & Command Kneeling
- German Tank Hunters
- German Riflemen in side caps
- German HMG (1 Tripod MG34, 3 crew)
- German 80mm Mortar (1 Mortar, 3 crew)
- German 5cm Mortar Teams
- German PzB39 AT Rifle Teams
- German Assault Engineers
- German Cavalry
- German Cavalry in Side Caps
- German Cavalry Command
- German Pak40 75mm AT Gun & 3 crew
- Fallschirmjager Riflemen I
- Fallschirmjager Riflemen II
- Fallschirmjager MG34 Teams
- Fallshirmjager with SMG
- German Fallschirmjager Command
- Russian Infantry I
- Russian Infantry II
- Russian LMG Teams (4 figs)
- Russian Infantry with SMG
- Russian Infantry Command
- Russian 76mm A/T Gun & 3 Crew
- US Riflemen I
- US Riflemen II
- US Infantry BAR Teams
- US Infantry with Thompson SMG
- US Infantry Command
- US .30Cal MMG & Crew (1MMG, 3 crew)
- US Bazooka Teams
- US Infantry 60mm Mortar (1 mortar, 3 crew)
- Celtiberian warriors with spear
- Celtiberian warriors with Swords
- Celtiberian warrior command
- Lusitanian warriors with spears
- Lusitanian warriors with swords
- Lusitanian warrior command
- Murmillones & Crupellarius
- Secutores & Scissor
- Retiarii & Laqueaius
- Thraeces & Hoplomachii
- Equites (2 foot, 2 mounted)
- Provocatores & Dimachaeri
- Arena offcials
- Casualties
- Wire Spears and Pikes (x20)
- Republican Roman Shield Transfers
- Republican Roman Shield Transfers
- 'Gentlemen' Pirates
- Pirates 'Motley Crew'
- Pirates 'Three Musketeers'
- Republican Roman Shield Transfers
- Republican Roman Shield Transfers
- Republican Roman Shield Transfers
- Republican Roman Shield Transfers
- Republican Roman Shield Transfers
- Republican Roman Shield Transfers
- Republican Roman Shield Transfers
- Republican Roman Shield Transfers
- Republican Roman Shield Transfers
- Numidian Warriors with Spear/ Javelin
- Numidian Warriors with Bow
- Numidian Warriors with Slings
- Numidian Warrior Command
- Numidian Trained Infantry
- Numidian Imitation Legionaries
- Numidian Command (For Legionaries and Trained Infantry)
- Numidian Cavalry Command
- Numidian Elephant
- Numidian Prince
- Armoured Campanian Hoplites
- Prussian Artillery Crew
- Wire Javelins
- Knight bearing banner
- Late Roman Legionary in Mail
- Late Roman Legionary Command
- Late Roman Legionary Spearmen
- Late Roman Legionary Spearmen Command
- Sub Roman Spearmen
- Sub Roman Infantry Command Group
- Phalangites
- British Infantry Command
- Russian Infantry
- Eastern Phalangite
- Eastern Phalangite Command
- Dark Age Cavalry Unit Deal
- Unarmoured Phalangite
- Unarmoured Phalangite Command
- Dark Age Infantry Unit Deal
- Embossed Macedonian Phalangite Shields
- Persian Sparabara Spearmen
- Wire Lances and/or Pikes
- Greek Hoplites
- Greek Hoplite Command
- Unarmoured Greek Hoplites
- Unarmoured Greek Hoplite Command
- Greek Thureophoroi
- Greek Thureophoroi Command
- Middle Imperial Roman Legionary Command
- Early Imperial Roman Legionaries with Pilum
- Early Imperial Roman Legionary Command
- Middle Imperial Roman Legionaries with Spears
- Round Bases
- Dismounted knights with axes & maces
- Mounted knights with lances upright
- Persian Sparabara Spearmen Command
- Byzantine Banners 2
- Men-at-Arms with spear & shield
- Mounted knights with lances charging
- Mounted knights with axes & maces
- Fallschirmjager Headquarters
- Fallschirmjager 5cm Mortar and AT Rifle
- Norman Cavalry Characters
- Fallschirmjager Static MG34
- Norman Shield Transfers 1
- Fallschirmjager 8cm Mortar
- Pirate cannon and Crew
- Ships Cannons
- Russian Infantry Command
- Late Roman Archers
- British Infantry
- March Attack
- Union Regiment (24 figures plus flags).
- Napoleonic French - Centre Company
- Napoleonic French - Flank Company
- Napoleonic French - Grenadier Company in Bearskins
- Napoleonic French - Command in Shako
- Napoleonic French - Command in Bicorne
- 20mm Square Bases
- Persian Kardakes with Spears
- Persian Kardakes Command
- Persian Archers
- French Fusiliers
- French Fusilier Command
- Thracian Tribesmen with Bows
- Machine Gun Nests
- Thracian Tribesmen with Spears
- Thracian Tribesmen with Javelins
- Thracian Tribesmen with Rhomphaia
- Thracian Tribesmen Command
- Thracian Cavalry
- Later Thracians with Spears and Javelins
- Thracian Cavalry Command
- Later Thracians with Rhomphaia
- Armoured Thracian Cavalry
- Late Thracian Command
- Armoured Thracian Cavalry Command
- French Fusiliers (unfastened coat)
- French Fusilier Command (unfastened coat)
- Russian Infantry, Winter Uniform in fur hats.
- Russian LMG Teams, Winter Uniform with fur hats.
- Russians in winter uniform with SMGs
- Russian Command Winter Uniform with fur hat
- Russian Infantry, Winter Uniform in fur hats.
- Red Army Platoon with support weapons
- Cavalry Bases
- The Macedonian and Punic Wars
- Greek Hoplite Shields
- ACW Infantry in Frock Coat and Kepi Marching
- Russian HMG in Winter Kit
- ACW Infantry Command in Frock Coat and Kepi.
- ACW Infantry in Jacket and Kepi Marching
- ACW Infantry Command in Jacket and Kepi Advancing
- ACW Infantry in Shirt and Kepi Marching
- ACW Infantry Command in Shirt and Kepi Advancing
- Pirate Crew
- ACW Infantry in Frock Coat and Hardee Hat Marching
- ACW Infantry in Frock Coat and Hardee Hat Command Advancing
- Rank And File
- ACW Infantry in Shirt and Hat Command Advancing
- Russian Infantry in Shirts
- ACW Infantry in Shirt and Hat Marching
- Unarmoured Samnites
- Hoplite Shield Transfers
- Hoplite Shield Transfers
- Hoplite Shield Transfers
- Dark Age Shield Transfers
- Norman Banners
- Norman Lance Pennants
- Carthaginian Shield Transfers
- Carthaginian Shield Transfers
- Carthaginian Veterans Shield Transfers
- Samnites in Triple Disk Armour
- Samnites in Square/ Pectoral Armour
- Samnite Infantry Command
- Armoured Oscan Cavalry
- Unarmoured Oscan Cavalry
- Oscan Cavalry Command
- Russian Command, Winter Uniform wearing helmets
- Russian LMG Teams, Winter Uniform wearing helmets
- Russian Infantry Winter Uniform in helmets
- Viking Banner 2
- Unarmoured Campanian Hoplites
- Campanian Hoplite Command
- Apulian Spearmen
- Apulian Command
- Oscan General Foot & Mounted
- Rate of Fire
- Imperium
- Sagittarius & Velites
- Spectators
- Condemned Men
- Gladiator Characters
- Gladiator to the Max
- Crusader Rules Bases (40mm square)
- Mixed Plastic Bases
- AFV Supplement
- Mixed Plastic Bases III
- Jomsviking Banners
- Varangian Guard Banners
- Viking Banners
- Dark Age Banners
- Dark Age Cross Banners
- Byzantine Banners
- Persian Kardakes Shield Transfers
- Persian Kardakes Shield Transfers II
- American Infantry
- Ancient Spanish Shield Transfers II
- Ancient Spanish Shield Transfers III
- Ancient Spanish Shield Transfers I
- Early War British
- Early War Germans
- Early War French
- German Paratroopers
- Late War British
- British Paratroopers
- Russian Infantry
- Austrian Fusiliers
- Hungarian Fusiliers
- Austrian Cuirassiers x12
- Austrian Dragoons x12
- Byzantine Spearmen
- Saxon Huscarls
- Norman Spearmen
- Norman Knights
- Republican Romans
- Russian HMG
- Macedonian Pikemen
- Irish Warband
- Spanish Knights
- Ancient Army Infantry Unit Deal
- Carthaginian Cavalry
- Napoleonic French Line
- French Musketeers
- Prussian Musketeers
- German Warriors I
- German Warriors II
- German Skirmishers
- German Archers
- German Command
- German Champions and Chieftains
- German Light Cavalry
- German Heavy Cavalry
- German Cavalry Command
- Scot Skirmishers
- Mixed Plastic Bases IV
- The American Civil War
- Unarmoured Scot Warriors
- Scot Armoured Thanes
- Scot Command on Foot
- Mounted Scots Thanes
- Mounted Scots Warriors
- Mounted Scots Command Group
- Scots Chieftain
- Early Saxon/ Germanic Banners
- Mid to Late Period Saxon Banners
- Dismounted knights with swords
- Mounted knights with swords
- Njal
- Gudrun the Leg Hacker
- Sigurd the Viking
- Gunnar the Slayer
- Signy the Deranged
- Eric the Annoyed
- Harald Nohair
- Snorri The Nasty
- Wulf the Devout
- Adolf the Beastly
- Ulv the Savage
- Varg the Pious
- Heimdal the Herald
- Bjorn Bonebreaker
- Brynjolf the Steady.
- Gjuki the Heroic
- Sven Shieldbreaker
- Hallvard Strongarm
- Thorod Limbsmasher
- Magnus the Mighty
- Manni Twinbrows
- Nadod the Quiet
- Karli the Skinny
- Kol the Black
- Kar the Thrall
- Kari the Thrall
- Karsi the Thrall.
- Kol the Thrall
- Bjorn the Swedish Musician
- Broddi Warleader
- Dan Fairhaired
- Grim the Standardbearer
- Gufi Hillfarmer
- Gylfi the Daft
- Hrodi the Fisher.
- Hrolf Ploughman
- Egil the Archer
- Ingvar Sure-eye
- Erp the Deadly Arrow
- Wary Wobblyhand
- Sven Svenson
- Trud the Timid
- Ari Horse Gelder.
- Hogi Aledrinker
- King Harold Godwinson
- Tostig Godwinson
- King Harold Godwinson mounted.
- Tostig Godwinson Mounted
- Bishop Odo Mounted
- Bishop Odo.
- Guillaume le Conquérant.
- Guillaume a monté sur un cheval
- Crupellarius
- Aelius the Murmillones
- Nautius the Murmillones
- Memmius the Murmillones
- Salvius Scissor
- Sallustius Secutores
- Sergius Secutores
- Sextius Secutores
- Armoured crossbowmen
- Ashur Retiarius
- Solonius Laquearius
- Tallius Retiarius
- Marcus Retiarius
- Crusader Rules - Rules for Games of Ancient Warfare
- Hospitaller Knights
- Knight Casualties
- Peasants and Pilgrims
- Ancient German Warband
- Gannicus Thraeces
- Batiatus Thraex
- Oenomaus Hoplomachus
- Barca Hoplomachus
- Hoplite Phalanx
- Oscan Regiment Deal
- Carthaginian Infantry Unit Deal
- Demetrius Dimachaerus
- Pantera Provocator
- Procopius Provocator
- Duilius Dimachaerus
- Doctore Fostori
- Charun
- Doctore Nauta
- Hermes Psychopompos
- Conan the Sinister
- Flann the Provider
- Fergus Head of Oak.
- Oengus The Norse.
- Brian Boru Mounted
- Brian Boru
- Numidian Infantry Unit
- Persian Sparabara Unit Deal
- Numidian Cavalry Unit Deal
- Roman Legionary Unit Deal
- Dismounted Teutonic Knights
- Medieval Command Group
- Knights with Big Weapons
- Woodland Indians II
- Woodland Indians III
- Woodland Indians I
- MacBeth, Scots Warlord
- Nickus Helmeti
- Euneedi Handus
- Givus Abreak
- Dedus Maximus
- Cros Darmi
- Eevin Handud
- Heckle Loudlee
- Sinista Spektaita
- Northern Fury - Source book for Saga
- Indian Warband mega Deal
- Woodland Indians IV
- Woodland Indians V
- Woodland Indians VI
- British Force for Muskets and Tomahawks
- French Force for Muskets and Tomahawks
- Teutonic Knight Release Deal
- Dismounted Teutonic Knights with Big Weapons
- Mounted Teutonic Knights. Lance Upright.
- Mounted Teutonic Knights. Lance Charging.
- Mounted Teutonic Knights with Axes and Maces
- Mounted Teutonic Knights with Swords
- Teutonic Knight Banner Bearer.
- Byzantine Warband
- Delux Byzantine Warband
- Irish Warband
- Russian Grenadiers
- British Grenadiers
- French Grenadiers
- French Grenadier Command
- Russian Grenadier Command
- Viking Warband
- Anglo-Dane Warband
- Norman Warband
- Roman Cavalry/ Velite Shields
- Hoplite Shield Transfers
- Hoplite Shield Transfers
- Hoplite Shield Transfers
- Russian Mortar
- Russian Mortar (Winter Kit)
- Russian Flamethrowers
- Red Army Platoon in Winter
- Ancient Celtic Noble Warriors
- Ancient Celt Warriors carrying Spears.
- Ancient Celt Fanatics
- Ancient Celt Skirmishers
- Ancient Celt Mounted Nobles with spears
- Ancient Celt Mounted Warriors
- Celt Collection 1
- Celt Collection 2
- Teutonic Knight Deal
- Figure Collectors Celt Deal
- Celtic Religious Fanatics
- Ancient Celt Mounted Command
- Ancient Celt Warrior Command
- Ancient Celt Noble Command
- Ancient Celt Warriors (Bare Chested)
- Ancient Celt Fanatic Command
- German Schützen with Rifles 1
- Mounted Armoured Nobles with Swords
- Unarmoured warriors with Swords
- Naked Warriors with Spears
- Celt Collection 3
- Gallic Army
- Alpine Celt Army
- Armoured Noble in Chariot I
- Armoured Noble in Chariot II
- Celt Warrior in Chariot I
- Celt Warrior in Chariot II
- Celt Collection 4
- Para General with Tea.
- Partisans with Rifles
- Russian Infantry in Greatcoats II
- Russian Infantry in Greatcoats I
- Russian LMG Teams in Greatcoats
- Russian SMG Infantry in Greatcoats
- Russian Command in Greatcoats
- Russian HMG (Crew in Greatcoats)
- Russian Mortar (crew in Greatcoats)
- Velite
- German PaK 36 AT Gun and Crew
- Fallschirmjager PaK 36 AT Gun and crew
- Russian 45mm AT Gun and Crew (53-K)
- US 57mm AT Gun and Crew
- Russian Infantry in Coats and Fur Hats
- Russian Infantry Command in Coats and Fur Hats
- Russian Infantry SMGs & LMGs in Fur Hats
- Russian 45mm AT Gun (M-42) and Crew
- Late British MKIV 6 Pdr & 3 Crew
- Ancient Celt Characters.
- SYW Russian Dragoons
- SYW Russian Cuirassier
- SYW Russian Mounted Grenadier.
- Frederick the Great
- SYW Russian Cuirassier Command.
- Russian Cuirassiers x12
- Lion Rampant The Army Deal 1
- Lion Rampant The Army Deal
- SYW Russian Dragoon Command
- Russian Dragoons x12
- British Musketeers
- SYW Russian Mounted Grenadier Command
- SYW Russian Hussars
- SYW Russian Hussar Command
- SYW Russian Cossacks with Lances
- SYW Russian Cossacks with assorted Weapons
- SYW Russian Cossack Command
- SYW Russian Hussars x12
- SYW Russian Cossacks x12
- Foot Yeomen
- Bidowers armed with Bows
- Archers
- King/ Prince. Foot and Mounted.
- Mounted Sergeants
- Mounted Sergeants
- Ancient Army Cavalry Unit Deal
- Macedonian Hypaspists spear and shield
- Macedonian Unarmoured Peltasts
- Thessalian Cavalry
- Macedonian Prodromoi with Kontos
- Macedonian Companion Cavalry
- Macedonian Mounted Generals
- Celtic Queen
- Macedonian Hypaspists Command
- Macedonian Slingers
- Macedonian Archers
- Macedonian Light Infantry Command
- Macedonian Companion Cavalry Command
- Thessalian Light Cavalry
- Thessalian Cavalry Command
- Sub Roman Spearmen Advancing
- Sub Roman Unarmoured Cavalry with Swords
- Sub Roman Unarmoured Cavalry with Spears
- Sub Roman Heavy Cavalry with Swords
- Sub Roman Heavy Cavalry with Spears.
- Sub Roman Cavalry Command.
- Saxon Warriors with Swords
- Saxon Warriors with Axes
- Saxon Warriors with Spears
- Saxon Noble Warriors with Swords
- Saxon Noble Warriors with Axes.
- Saxon Archers.
- Saxon Commanders
- Viking Shield Transfers 1 (Rimless)
- Viking Shield Transfers 2 (Rimless)
- Viking Shield Transfers 3 (Rimless)
- Viking Shield Transfers (rim1)
- Viking Shield Transfers (rim2)
- Viking Shield Transfers (rim3)
- Sub Roman Shield Transfers (Oval 1)
- Sub Roman Shield Transfers (Oval 2)
- Sub Roman Shield Transfers (Oval 3)
- Sub Roman Shield Transfers (Round1)
- Sub Roman Shield Transfers (Round2)
- Sub Roman Shield Transfers (Round3)
- Saxon/ Frank Shield Transfer 1
- Saxon/ Frank Shield Transfer 2
- Saxon/ Frank Shield Transfer 3
- Saxon/ Frank Shield Transfer 4
- Saxon/ Frank Shield Transfer 5
- Saxon/ Frank Shield Transfer 6
- German Schützen with Rifles 2
- German Schützen with LMG
- German Schützen with SMG
- German Schützen Command
- German Schützen Firing MG34
- German Schützen Firing 8cm Mortar
- German Schützen Platoon
- Seven Years War Infantry Unit
- French M/C Troop Riflemen (I)
- French M/C Troop Riflemen (II)
- French M/C Troop LMG Teams
- French M/C Troop with SMG's
- French M/C Troop Command
- French M/C Troop Hotchkiss HMG
- French M/C Troop 60mm Mortar
- French Dragons Portés Platoon Deal
- French M/C Troop Rifle Grenadiers
- French Motorcycle and Sidecar
- Dragon Portes Riflemen I
- Dragon Portes Riflemen II
- Dragon Portes LMG Teams
- Dragon Portes Command
- Dragon Portes VB Rifle Grenadiers
- Dragon Portes HMG & Crew
- Dragon Portes 60mm Mortar & Crew
- Dragon Portes 80mm Mortar & Crew
- Dragon Portes 25mm AT Gun & 4 Crew.
- Flag Finial
- French Motorcycle and Sidecar with Riders.
- Polish Riflemen
- Polish Riflemen II
- Polish LMG Teams
- Polish Command
- Polish Command
- Polish HMG
- Polish 80mm Mortar
- French Napoleonic Infantry Deal
- Fallschirmjager Gun crew only.
- German PaK 36 Gun Crew.
- US Airborne Riflemen II
- German Infantry in Greatcoats (Riflemen)
- German Infantry in Greatcoats II (Riflemen)
- German Infantry in Greatcoats (LMG Teams)
- German Infantry in Greatcoats (SMG)
- German Infantry in Greatcoats (Command)
- German Infantry in Greatcoats (HMG)
- German Infantry in Greatcoats (Mortar)
- German Platoon Deal
- 40 Byzantine Kite Shields
- Partisans with Rifles II
- Partisans with submachine guns
- Partisans with Light Machine Guns
- Partisan commanders
- Partisans firing Maxim gun
- Partisans firing mortar.
- East Front Partisan Platoon
- Partisan tankhunters
- French Motorcycle Troop Squad.
- French Dragon Portes Squad
- German Infantry Squad
- German Infantry Squad (Greatcoats)
- German Infantry Squad (Cammo Smocks)
- British Infantry Squad (1940)
- British Infantry Squad (1944)
- British Paratrooper Squad
- German Paratrooper Squad
- French Infantry Squad
- Partisan Squad Deal
- Polish Infantry Squad
- Russian Infantry Squad (Winter Gear)
- US Infantry Squad
- World War Two Platoon Deal
- British Platoon Deal
- French Platoon Deal
- Polish Platoon Deal
- Russian Platoon Deal
- Cossacks with Rifles (German Service)
- Cossacks with SMG (German Service)
- Cossack LMG Teams (German Service)
- Cossack Command (German Service)
- Mounted Cossacks (German Service)
- Mounted Cossack Command (German Service)
- Cossack Collection
- The Fighting 69th. (plus flags)
- 79th New York Volunteer Infantry
- Confederate Regiment (24 figures)
- Barefoot ACW Soldier
- Bushwhackers (Dismounted)
- Saladin
- ACW Infantry in Frock Coat and Kepi Skirmishing
- ACW Infantry in Jacket and Kepi Advancing/ Charging
- ACW Infantry in Jacket and Kepi Skirmishing
- ACW Infantry in Shirt & Kepi Advancing/ Charging
- ACW Infantry in Shirt & Kepi Skirmishing
- ACW Artillery Crew in Kepi
- ACW Artillery Crew in Hats
- ACW Infantry Shirt & Hat Adv./ Charging
- ACW Infantry Shirt & Hat Skirmishing
- ACW Infantry Command in Frock Coats and Kepi
- ACW Infantry Command in Jackets and Kepi
- 79th New York (Highlanders) Flag
- US Airborne Riflemen II
- US Airborne Riflemen I
- Late War British Artillery Crew
- Senegalese Rifles I
- Senegalese Rifles II
- Senegalese LMG Teams
- Senegalese Rifles Grenadiers & NCO's
- Senegalese Platoon.
- U.S. Marines (ACW)
- US Marine Corps (ACW) flag
- 79th New York Infantry Command
- US Airborne with BARs
- US Airborne with SMG & Carbines
- US Airborne Command
- US Airborne .30cal Team
- US Airborne 60mm Mortar Team
- US Airborne Platoon Deal
- 79th N. Y. Volunteer (Highlanders)
- Norman Shield Transfers 2
- Romanian Rifles I
- Romanian Rifles II
- Romanian LMG
- Romanian Command
- Romanian HMG & Crew
- Romanian Mortar & Crew
- WW2 Romanian Platoon
- Norse Mercenaries I
- Norse Mercenaries II
- Norse Mercenaries III
- Norman Shield Transfers 3
- Norman Shield Transfers 4
- Norman Shield Transfers 5
- Norman Shield Transfers 6
- Norman Shield Transfers 7
- Norman Shield Transfers 8
- Norman Shield Transfers 9
- Norman Shield Transfers 10
- M/C Crew
- Apocalypse Survivors I
- Apocalypse Survivors II
- Apocalypse Survivors III
- Apocalypse Survivors IV
- Apocalypse Survivors V
- Apocalypse Now: Collectors Deal
- Boxers with Polearms (I)
- Paladins
- Mages
- Fighters
- Clerics
- Rangers
- Rogues
- Fantasy Adventurers Deal
- Dwarf Warriors with hand Weapons & Shields
- Dwarf Warriors with 2 Handed Weapons
- Ogres with 2 Handed Weapons
- Half Orc Marauders with Duel Weapons
- Half Orc Marauders with hand weapons and shields
- Half Orc Marauders with 2 Handed Weapons
- Half Orc Marauder Command
- New Fantasy Figures Collectors Bundle.
- Dwarf Warriors with Bows
- Dwarf Warrior Command
- Brood Slaves with Hand Weapon & Shield
- Brood Slaves with 2 handed weapons
- Brood Slaves Command
- Ogres with Hand Weapon & Shield
- Dwarf Rangers
- New Fantasy Figures Collectors Bundle.
- Goblins with Sword & Shield
- Goblins with Spears
- Goblins with Bows
- Goblin Command
- Goblin Warband
- Dwarf Rangers II
- Custer at Gettysburg
- Boxers with Polearms (II)
- Boxers with rifles (I)
- Boxers with Rifles (II)
- Boxers with Banners/Spears (inclues wire spears)
- Boxers with Swords
- Boxer Command
- Japanese Infantry firing/loading
- Japanese Infantry Advancing
- Japanese Infantry firing/loading full kit
- Japanese Infantry firing/loading full kit
- Japanese Infantry Advancing in full kit
- Japanese Infantry Command
- Japanese Army for TMWWBK
- Boxer Army for TMWWBK
- Japanese Battleflag
- Japanese Battleflag
- Boxer Rebellion Flags 1
- Boxer Rebellion Flags 2
- Boxer Rebellion Flags 3
- Boxer Rebellion Flags 4
- Boxer Rebellion Flags 5
- Boxer Rebellion Flags 6
- Boxer Rebellion Flags 7
- Boxer Rebellion Flags 8
- Kansu Braves with Rifles
- Kansu Braves with Sword & Shield
- Kansu Braves with Polearms
- Kansu Brave Command Group.
- Tiger Men with Polearms
- Tiger Men with Swords & Shields
- Tiger Men Command
- Tiger Men Collectors Deal.
- Japanese Dismounted Cavalry
- Japanese Dismounted Cavalry Command
- Japanese Cavalry
- Japanese Cavalry Command
- Japanese Artillery Crew
- Japanese Generals
- ACW Mounted Generals.
- ACW Cavalry Command (Slouch Hats)
- ACW Cavalry Armed with Pistols (Slouch Hats)
- ACW Cavalry Armed with Swords (Slouch Hats)
- ACW Cavalry Command (Kepis)
- ACW Cavalry Armed with Pistols (Kepis)
- ACW Cavalry Armed with Swords (Kepis)
- ACW Mounted Guerillas armed with Pistols
- ACW Mounted Guerillas armed with Shotguns
- Union Cavalry Regiment.
- Confederate Cavalry Regiment.
- ACW Cavalry Regiment
- American Civil War Brigade.
- Plastic Spears (40)
- Russian Infantry Advancing
- Russian Infantry Skirmishing
- Russian Infantry Command
- Russian Dragoons
- Russian Dragoon Command
- Cossacks
- Cossack Command.
- Russian Generals
- Boxer Rebellion Russians Collectors Deal