Ancients (166 products found)
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ANR003 - Republican Roman Triarii in Mail with Spear
Our Price:£11.50
ANR004 - Republican Roman Legionary Command
Our Price:£7.00
ANR005 - Roman Velites with spear/javelin & shield
Our Price:£11.50
ANR006 - Roman Leves with Javelins
Our Price:£11.50
ANR007 - Roman Penal Legionaries with Spears
Our Price:£11.50
ANR008 - Principes/Triari with Pila/Spear
Our Price:£11.50
ANR009 - Republican Roman Light Infantry Command
Our Price:£7.00
ANR010 - Unarmoured Roman Cavalry
Our Price:£11.50
ANR011 - Unarmoured Roman Cavalry Command
Our Price:£11.50
ANR012 - Republican Roman Cavalry in Mail
Our Price:£11.50
ANR013 - Republican Roman Cavalry in Mail - Command
Our Price:£11.50
ANR015 - Republican Roman General (Foot & Mounted Versions)
Our Price:£7.00
ANR016 - Republican Roma Marching Camp
Our Price:£11.50
ANS001 - Spanish Scutari with spear - standing
Our Price:£11.50
ANS002 - Spanish Scutari with spear - charging
Our Price:£11.50