Welcome to Crusader Miniatures
We are a UK based company making 28mm sized metal figures, all designed and sculpted by Mark Sims. The figures are designed for wargamers, miniature figure painters and collectors of model soldiers. Our ranges cover a huge expanse of history, from the armies of Alexander the Great to the British Tommies of World War Two. To explore further, click on the page links listed to the left.
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Special Offers
AAU001 - Ancient Army Infantry Unit Deal
Our Price was:£30.00
Special Offer Price:£27.00
AAU002 - Ancient Army Cavalry Unit Deal
Our Price was:£46.00
Special Offer Price:£41.40
ACWU01 - Union Regiment (24 figures plus flags).
Our Price was:£42.00
Special Offer Price:£37.80
ACWU02 - The Fighting 69th. (plus flags)
Our Price was:£42.00
Special Offer Price:£37.80
ACWU03 - Confederate Regiment (24 figures)
Our Price was:£42.00
Special Offer Price:£37.80
ACWU04 - U.S. Marines (ACW)
Our Price was:£42.00
Special Offer Price:£37.80
ACWU05 - 79th N. Y. Volunteer (Highlanders)
Our Price was:£42.00
Special Offer Price:£37.80
DAU001 - Dark Age Infantry Unit Deal
Our Price was:£30.00
Special Offer Price:£27.00
DAU002 - Dark Age Cavalry Unit Deal
Our Price was:£46.00
Special Offer Price:£41.40
SYWU01 - Seven Years War Infantry Unit
Our Price was:£30.00
Special Offer Price:£21.00
WW2U01 - World War Two Platoon Deal
Our Price was:£59.50
Special Offer Price:£54.00